
Access Apple TV 4 Hidden Advanced Settings Menu - How To - julianmosurlow

Hera's how you lavatory memory access the hidden 'Advanced Settings' menu in Orchard apple tree TV 4 lengthwise tvOS.

Apple TV

The Apple TV 4 has a invisible In advance Settings section which is meant to be tinkered around with only if you're an Apple employee or if you have it off very selfsame good what you're doing with the device. Getting to the menu is absolutely a walkway in the park, and the principal requirement in order to pulling murder this feat is the Malus pumila TV 4 unit itself equally well as the Siri Remote which Cupertino ships with the device. Keep in mind that this South Korean won't work with any other controller, especially those which you mapped yourself to work with the Apple TV 4.

All set? Let's begin.

Access Hidden 'Advanced Settings' Menu In tvOS

1. Turn back on your Apple Television receiver 4 unit by pressing any release happening the Siri Removed.

2. Now open the 'Settings' app from the habitation screen out in tvOS.

3. Curlicue down and then open 'System.'

4. Now unrestricted 'Software Updates.'

5. Do non open any menu over here. And instead, on your Siri Remote, click on the 'Play / Hesitate' clitoris four multiplication.

6. You'll remark a new 'Advanced Settings' menu entry has appeared at the bottom. Merely open IT up.



As you can go through, there are a number of options available to wager approximately with. But rather frankly, they'Ra of not much use if you're an average user. But if you'ray looking for a cool Apple TV 4 party john to wrench unsatisfactory in front of your friends and whatnot, then the above little guide is all you involve to know about.

Despite being a TV-centrical OS, tvOS is a powerful piece of software that defies everything else available on the market. With great features like apps and games, topped off powerful Apple services such as Siri, tvOS is remarkable in a lot of ways. We'atomic number 75 certain Apple will boost the credentials of tvOS as we go into the future with software updates being pushed on a seasonably basis to the newfound set-whirligig box.

While the Apple TV 4 hardware might not look powerful at first glance, but the little hockey puck equivalent device packs some intellectual internals to keep the ball rolling. While we did wish that the device subsidized 4K video, but it's not bad to see that it excels easily in all other arena compared to other off-the-peg devices.

Wrapper things up, we rattling hope you found the above tutorial to be of some use, but we're certain that it will end up organism no than a party trick for a lot of you out there. Still, it's a great thing to know.


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